Specifying the maximum |hour angle| limit
If the maximum |hour angle| limit for the exposures belonging to a given observation request is
not specified explicitly, the default maximum |hour angle| specified in the user's
profile would be used. Although this may be adequate for
many requests, the user may wish to specify a non-default hour angle limit. This is done using
the HA keyword:
This would be interpreted as a request for observations of NGC4698, made by the
default user. The observations would be carried out
using the default options specified in the default user's profile,
except that the maximum |hour angle| would be 60 min (which means that observations would be
carried out when the object is at some hour angle between -60 and +60 min.
Note: Regardless of the maximum |hour angle| limit specified in an observation request,
no observations will be scheduled at hour angles which violate the
minimum and maximum |hour angle| limits specified in the
scheduler configuration file. These limits represent safety slew limits for the telescope, so
they should never be violated by any observation.
Previous: Specifying filters, number of images to take,
interval between exposures
Next: Specifying moon avoidance radius, request identifier,
observing window
© 1999-2004 Paulo Holvorcem