Step 3: Generating a list of potential
Before scheduling a night's observations, you need to use program Targets to prepare a
list of potential targets. This is a text file which summarizes the current information (such as
position, magnitude, rate of motion, etc.) about all potentially observable targets in
TAO's object databases. The list of potential targets
is one of the input files of the TAO scheduler, and
also serves as an aid in the process of selecting targets for observation on a given night based
on a number of criteria.
Customizing program Targets
On the first time you run Targets, you should take some time to customize the program
to suit your particular needs. This may be done by editing the text file
TAO\targets\targets.cfg, which is the default configuration file
for program Targets. The configuration file allows you to specify data about your observing
station and filtering criteria to prevent targets in which you are not interested from
appearing in the list of potential targets. The contents of this file are shown below:
Latitude (deg): -23.00056
Longitude (deg, positive if east of Greenwich): -46.96506
Range of observable declinations:
Northern limit (deg): +34
Southern limit (deg): -90
List fixed targets? (yes/no) yes
List moving targets? (yes/no) yes
List asteroids? (yes/no) yes
Exclude numbered asteroids? (yes/no) yes
Exclude main belt asteroids? (yes/no) no
Limiting magnitude for asteroids: 19.5
List NEOCP objects? (yes/no) yes
NEOCP ephemeris file: NEOCPeph.htm
List comets? (yes/no) yes
Exclude these priority codes: B, N, l
The various parameters which may be specified in this configuration file are explained
- Latitude. Specify the latitude of the observing station
(in degrees; north latitudes are positive).
- Longitude. Specify the longitude of the observing station
(in degrees; longitudes east of Greenwich are positive).
- Range of observable declinations. Specify the northern
and southern limits of the range of declinations (in degrees) which you could possibly observe
from your station. Note that horizon obstruction, light pollution, and other factors may
reduce your range of observable declinations with respect to the maximal range determined
by your latitude.
- List fixed targets? Answer yes
if you wish that targets belonging to TAO's
fixed object database appear in the list of potential targets.
- List moving targets? Answer yes
if you wish that targets belonging to TAO's
moving object database appear in the list of potential targets.
- List asteroids? Answer yes
if you wish that minor planets appear in the list of potential targets.
- Exclude numbered asteroids? Answer yes
if you wish to exclude numbered asteroids from the list of potential targets.
- Exclude main belt asteroids? Answer yes
if you wish to exclude typical main belt asteroids from the list of potential targets.
"Main belt asteroids" are here operationally defined as objects whose orbit has
semi-major axis (a), eccentricity (e), and inclination (i) satisfying the
inequalities 2.1 AU < a < 3.3 AU, e < 0.2, and i < 15 deg.
- Limiting magnitude for asteroids. Minor planets whose
predicted magnitude is fainter than this limit will not appear on the list of potential
targets. Due to the uncertainties in minor planet predicted magnitudes, you should set this
limit to perhaps one magnitude fainter than your actual limiting magnitude.
- List NEOCP objects? Answer yes
if you wish that objects listed on the
NEO Confirmation Page (NEOCP)
appear on the list of potential targets.
- NEOCP ephemeris file. This is the name of the file
containing current NEOCP ephemerides. The most convenient (and strongly recommended) way to
obtain this file is by running script NEOCPMon; in this case,
the name of the NEOCP ephemerides file will be NEOCPeph.htm.
- List comets? Answer yes
if you wish that comets appear on the in the list of potential targets.
- Exclude these priority codes. Some objects in the
list of potential targets will have a priority code, a single-character code which
appears in front of the target name in the list of potential targets. For minor planets,
the priority code is normally determined by program Targets based on the
desirability ratings for further observations which are given in the
Minor Planet and Comet Ephemeris
Service output (click here
for more details about the standard priority codes for
minor planets). For fixed targets imported from external
catalog files, the priority codes may be assigned by the user when importing the targets,
and may serve to identify targets imported from different catalogs, or which are of interest
to different users. One may also manually assign priority codes by editing the text files
TAO\targets\Fixed.txt (which lists all fixed targets in the database)
and TAO\targets\Moving.txt (which lists all moving targets in the
database); the priority code for a given target is specified in the first column of the
corresponding record of these files. It is possible to exclude targets having certain priority
codes from the list of potential targets. This is done by specifying a list of
priority codes which should be excluded. The priority codes to exclude should be separated by
- Different telescope users may wish to see a list of potential targets containing
only those targets in which they are interested.
This is may be achieved by using file TAO\targets\targets.cfg as a
template for creating other non-default configuration files for program Targets. For example,
a user CGD whose sole interest is comets might use a configuration file
TAO\targets\CGD.cfg with the following contents:
Latitude (deg): -23.00056
Longitude (deg, positive if east of Greenwich): -46.96506
Range of observable declinations:
Northern limit (deg): +34
Southern limit (deg): -90
List fixed targets? (yes/no) no
List moving targets? (yes/no) yes
List asteroids? (yes/no) no
Exclude numbered asteroids? (yes/no) no
Exclude main belt asteroids? (yes/no) no
Limiting magnitude for asteroids: 19.5
List NEOCP objects? (yes/no) no
NEOCP ephemeris file: NEOCPeph.htm
List comets? (yes/no) yes
Exclude these priority codes:
Program Targets could be run multiple times with different configuration files,
each time producing a list of potential targets tailored to the interests of a particular
- The telescope administrator (the person who actually schedules the observations for
one or more telescope users) should always run Targets with an "all-inclusive"
configuration file to produce a list of potential targets which includes all targets
of potential interest to all telescope users. This list of potential targets would be
one of the input files of the TAO
- If you make use of different instruments, which may be located at
different geographical locations, each instrument might have a separate Targets
configuration file.
Previous: Automated monitoring of the NEOCP (continued)
Next: Running program Targets
© 1999-2004 Paulo Holvorcem