Specifying frame mode
If the frame mode is not specified in an observation request, the default frame mode
specified in the user's profile would be used. Although
this may be adequate for many requests, the user may wish to specify the frame mode for
a given request in an explicit way. This is done using the light and dark
keywords, whose meaning has been discussed
This would be interpreted as a request for dark frame(s) taken with the telescope
pointed at NGC4698 (of course, the position at which the telescope points when
taking dark frames is immaterial, provided it is within the telescope slew limits),
made by the
default user. The dark frames would be taken
using the default options specified in the default user's profile.
Previous: Preparing a list of observation requests
Next: Specifying filters, number of images to take, interval
between exposures
© 1999-2004 Paulo Holvorcem