Program regress (TAO\regress\regress.exe) may be used to perform the simple linear regressions which are required in the preparation of input data for the TAO scheduler and the MU script. Any other linear regression program should be able to do the same task. To run regress, open a DOS window (Command Prompt) and cd to the TAO\regress directory. To review the command line options for program regress, type the command
This will print the following help information:
The input data file containing two numeric columns (x, y) should be saved to a text file in directory TAO\regress. An example file would be
Let us suppose that this file is saved to the TAO\regress directory as myData.txt. To perform linear regression on these data, you would type the command
After the script executes you will see a screen message like this:
The output file (which will also be in directory TAO\regress) will display the regression results:
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