Image acquisition with the MU script
Customizing the MU script
Aiming exposure parameters
catType = 5 ' Catalog used to plate solve aiming exposures
' (3=GSC-ACT, 5=USNO-A2.0)
catPath = "c:" ' Path to catalog specified in catType
arcsecPerPix = 2.39 ' Pixel scale of aiming exposures (arcsec/pixel)
aimMinBrt = 150 ' PinPoint's Min. Flux parameter to be
' used when plate solving aiming exposures
aimSigma = 2.0 ' PinPoint's Min. Sigma parameter to be used when
' plate solving aiming exposures
catMaxMag = 17. ' Limiting catalogue mag. to be used when plate
' solving aiming exposures
catExp = 0.35 ' PinPoint's Catalogue Expansion parameter (%) to be
' used when plate solving aiming exposures
minStarSize = 3 ' PinPoint's Min. Star Size parameter (pixels) to be used
' when plate solving aiming exposures
SolveTimeLimit = 12 ' Formal time limit (sec) for plate solutions;
' PinPoint sometimes exceeds this limit
ActualSolveTimeLimit = 18 ' This is the constant plate solve time (sec)
' assumed in program the scheduler configuration file
This section may be skipped
by all users except those ACP users
who wish to use the so-called aiming exposures. These are special
exposures taken before the actual imaging of some targets in order to correct for
telescope pointing errors. If your telescope has pointing errors much smaller than
your CCD field-of-view, you do not need to use aiming exposures. Users of Meade
LX200 telescopes often use aiming exposures to improve their pointing accuracy.
If you wish to use aiming exposures, you should enable them in the
scheduler configuration file.
- catType. This parameter specifies the star catalog
which will be used to plate solve aiming exposures. The allowed values are given in the following table:
Value |
Catalog |
0 |
GSC 1.1 |
1 |
USNO SA2.0 |
3 |
4 |
Tycho-2 |
5 |
USNO A2.0 |
6 |
- catPath. This is the complete path to the
catalog specified in the previous parameter.
Note: If you use either the GSC 1.1 or GSC-ACT catalogs,
catPath must be the complete path to the directory
which contains the catalog subdirectories, \gsc and
- arcsecPerPix. This is the pixel scale of your aiming
exposures, expressed in arcseconds/pixel. It corresponds
to the parameters Horiz Scale and
Vert Scale in the
Solve Settings tab in Visual PinPoint 4 and to
the plate.ArcsecPerPixelHoriz and
plate.ArcsecPerPixelVert properties in the PinPoint
Note: Cameras with non-square pixels are not currently supported in MU.
Please contact the author if you need that
support be added to such cameras.
- aimMinBrt. This parameter represents the minimum flux
for a star to be detected in the process of plate solving an aiming exposure. It corresponds
to the parameter Min Flux in the
Solve Settings tab in Visual PinPoint 4 and to
the plate.MinimumBrightness property in the PinPoint
- aimSigma. This parameter represents the minimum
brightness ratio above background
for a star to be detected in the process of plate solving an aiming exposure. It corresponds
to the parameter Min Sigma in the
Solve Settings tab in Visual PinPoint 4 and to
the plate.SigmaAboveMean property in the PinPoint
- catMaxMag. This parameter represents the faint
magnitude limit to be used when selecting stars from the catalog specified in
catType. It corresponds to the parameter
Max Magnitude in the
Solve Settings tab in Visual PinPoint 4 and to
the plate.CatalogMaximumMagnitude property in the PinPoint
- catExp. This parameter specifies how much the
field-of-view dimensions will be expanded to produce the catalog search area, that is,
the area centered at the nominal image center from which reference stars will be selected
in the process of plate solving an aiming exposure. If you set
catExp to 0, the search area will
be the same size as the field-of-view. If you set it to 10,
both dimensions of the catalog search area will be 10% larger than the corresponding dimensions of the
field-of-view, and so
forth. If your telescope has small pointing errors, you may use a small value for
catExp, such as 10.
catExp corresponds to the parameter
Expansion in the
Solve Settings tab in Visual PinPoint 4 and to
the plate.CatalogExpansion property in the PinPoint
- minStarSize. This parameter specifies the minimum
diameter (in pixels) for a star to be detected in the process of plate solving an aiming
exposure. It corresponds
to the plate.MinimumStarSize property in the PinPoint
- SolveTimeLimit. This parameter is a formal time limit
(in seconds) for the process of plate solving an aiming exposure. It corresponds
to the parameter Max time to try solving in the
Solve Settings tab in Visual PinPoint 4 and to
the plate.MaxSolveTime property in the PinPoint
Engine. The PinPoint Engine will abort the plate solution process if it is not
finished SolveTimeLimit seconds after it started.
- ActualSolveTimeLimit. This parameter should have the
same value as the plate solving time specified
in the scheduler configuration file. Since sometimes the process of plate solving an aiming
exposure will take somewhat longer than
SolveTimeLimit seconds, the value of
ActualSolveTimeLimit will normally be larger than the
value of SolveTimeLimit. After your first observing runs, the
average time required to plate solve an aiming exposure may be determined from the time stamps
of the entries in the MU log file which record each plate solution. This average time
should be the value of both ActualSolveTimeLimit and the
plate solving time specified
in the scheduler configuration file.
Previous: Focus parameters (continued)
Next: Starting MU
© 1999-2004 Paulo Holvorcem