Image acquisition with the MU script
Customizing the MU script
CCD camera parameters
dayCameraTemp = 0. ' Camera setpoint temperature (deg C) in daytime
nightCameraTemp = -20. ' Camera setpoint temperature (deg C) in nighttime
CameraCoolingTime = 20. ' Time (min) required by the camera to cool down from the
' daytime setpoint to the nighttime setpoint; cooling will
' start this amount of time before sunset
waitForSetpoint = True ' True to wait until nighttime setpoint temperature is
' reached within tolerance specified by setpointTol
setpointTol = 1.5 ' Tolerance (deg C) for checking that nighttime setpoint
' has been reached
dayTempOnCompletion = True ' True to change CCD setpoint temperature to
' dayCameraTemp on script completion
unlinkOnCompletion = False ' True to terminate link to the camera on
' script completion
- dayCameraTemp. Specify the working camera temperature (in
degrees Celsius) to be used when the camera is not taking images (usually in daytime).
- nightCameraTemp. Specify the working camera temperature (in
degrees Celsius) to be used when the camera is taking images (usually at night or in twilight).
- CameraCoolingTime. Specify the approximate time (in minutes)
which the camera cooler takes to lower the temperature from
dayCameraTemp to nightCameraTemp. The script
will start to lower the camera temperature this amount of time before sunset.
- waitForSetpoint. If you set this parameter to
True, the script will only start taking calibration or science
images after the camera temperature is within setpointTol degrees Celsius
of the nighttime setpoint temperature (nightCameraTemp). While this
ensures that all your images are taken at the desired temperature, it may lead to delays in starting
the observations if the camera cooling system can't reach the nighttime setpoint fast enough
(which may happen if you use a nighttime setpoint which is lower than the cooler may sustain, or if
you start the script too late). If you set this parameter to False,
the script will start taking images at a suitable time (usually imaging starts with taking bias and
dark frames, immediately afer sunset), even though the camera temperature may be far from the
nighttime setpoint.
- setpointTol. Specify a temperature tolerance (in degrees Celsius)
with respect to the nighttime setpoint temperature (nightCameraTemp).
If waitForSetpoint is set to True,
setpointTol is used to check if the nighttime setpoint temperature has
been reached. Irrespective of the value of waitForSetpoint, a warning
message will be produced if an image
is taken when the camera temperature deviates from the nighttime setpoint by more than
setpointTol degrees Celsius.
- dayTempOncompletion. Set this to True
to change the setpoint temeprature to its daytime value (dayCameraTemp)
at the end of the night's observations, and to False to keep the setpoint
at its nighttime value (nightCameraTemp) after the end of the
- unlinkOnCompletion. Set this to
True to terminate the link from the observatory control computer to the
CCD camera at the end of the night's observations.
Previous: Safe telescope position/parking option, image compression
Next: Telescope slewing parameters
© 1999-2004 Paulo Holvorcem