Step 3: Generating a list of potential
targets (continued)
Running program Targets
Open a DOS window (Command Prompt) and cd to the
TAO\targets directory. To review the command line options
for program Targets, type the command
This will print the following help information:
Targets, Version 2003-02-27
(C) Paulo Holvorcem 1997-2003. All rights reserved.
Licensed to T. Brahe
Usage: targets [-c CfgFile] [-d Date] [-t TgtFile] [?]
Command line options:
-c CfgFile Specifies the configuration file to use; if omitted, file
targets.cfg is used.
-d Date Specifies the UT date for which potential targets will be
tabulated in the format yymmdd-hh:mm; if omitted, the start
date is computed automatically for tonight at the station
specified in the configuration file.
-t TgtFile Specifies the name of the output file (list of potential
targets); if omitted, the output file will be named
CfgFile_Targets.txt, where CfgFile is the name of
the configuration file, without the extension.
? Prints this help information.
To produce a list of potential targets for the coming night at the observing
station using a configuration file TAO\targets\myStation.cfg,
you would type the command
C:TAO\targets\>targets -c myStation.cfg
After the program executes you will see a screen message like this:
Writing table of potential targets to file myStation_targets.txt... Done
Log written to myStation_targets.log
The list of potential targets and the log file will be stored in
directory TAO\targets.
The log file will contain a detailed record of the process of building the
list of potential targets, including error messages.
- If you have updated the target databases,
you should already have a
suitable DOS window on your desktop, so it is not necessary to open a new window.
- You will normally use the same Targets configuration file every night, so
the name of the list of potential targets will always be the same. After running
Targets for the first time and taking note of the name of the list of potential targets,
you should enter it in your scheduler configuration file.
Previous: Customizing program Targets
Next: Targets output
© 1999-2004 Paulo Holvorcem