Year 1 · Nº 16 · $0.00

 I N T E R L O P E R
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 · quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2005
Ano 1 · Nº 16 · R$0,00

...and scenes from a Nova Scotian wedding

...e cliques das núpcias em Nova Escócia

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, NS - From left to right: Our groom anxiously checks the hour; his niece Gracie and nephew Braydon smile for the camera; a regal wedding pose struck by the bride and groom. · ANNAPOLIS ROYAL (NE) - Da esquerda para a direita: Nosso noivo ansiosamente confere a hora; seus sobrinhos, Gracie e Braydon, sorriem para câmera; uma pose tradicional dos noivos. (Photographs courtesy of C. Dagnall, Shooterbug Photography · Fotos por C. Dagnall, Shooterbug Photography)

Ron smells the flowers with his groomsmen Sean Chard and Keith Corcoran and his father Ron Halliday Sr.; Ron and Talita stop traffic - literally! - as they make their way to the church. · Ronald cheira as flores com seus padrinhos Sean Chard e Keith Corcoran e seu pai Ronald Halliday Sr.; Talita e Ronald param transito - literalmente! - no seu caminho para a igreja.  (Photographs courtesy of C. Dagnall, Shooterbug Photography · Fotos por C. Dagnall, Shooterbug Photography)

Talita and Ron Sr. hold their breath while grandson Braydon carts his ceremonial wheelbarrow - a youthful derivation of the words 'ring bearer' - slowly down the aisle; Ron's father turns back the clock thirty years as he accompanies his son's lovely bride to the altar; afterward the happy couple greets guests in the receiving line. · Talita e Ronald Sr. ficam sem fôlego quando o neto Braydon dirige seu carrinho cerimonial - ele confundiu as palavras ring bearer e wheelbarrow - vagarosamente pela igreja; o pai de Ronald volta no tempo trinta anos ao acompanhar a lindíssima noiva ao altar; o feliz casal abraça os convidados na fila de cumprimento. (Photographs courtesy of C. Dagnall, Shooterbug Photography · Fotos por C. Dagnall, Shooterbug Photography)

VICTORIA BEACH, NS - Talita and Ron walk along the shore on their way to the reception; Jamie Halliday (sister of the groom) and Betty Corcoran (mother of the groomsman) share a laugh; guests were treated to these local delicacies, boiled to perfection; Ron thanks his friends and family as everyone looks on. · VICTORIA BEACH (NE) - Talita e Ronald caminham ao longo da praia antes de chegar à recepção; Jamie Halliday (irmã do noivo) e Betty Corcoran (mãe do padrinho) partilham uma gargalhada; os convidados foram servidos com as delícias locais, fervidas à perfeicão; Ronald agradece seus amigos e parentes enquanto todos assistem. (Photographs courtesy of C. Dagnall, Shooterbug Photography · Fotos por C. Dagnall, Shooterbug Photography)

Friday, August 5th, 2005
Moments from a Brazilian marriage...

sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2005
Cenas de um casamento brasileiro...

Friday, July 15th, 2005
A(n) (a)typical week in the life of Ron and Talita

sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2005
Uma semana (a)típica na vida de Ronald e Talita

Monday, June 27th, 2005
Adventures in grocery shopping (II)

segunda-feira, 27 de junho de 2005
Aventuras no supermercado (II)