Window and Text Tags Summaries
This summary was taken off the RealText Authoring Guide

Appendix A: Summary of Window Tag Attributes

Attribute Function Default Notes
bgcolor="color" Sets the window's background color. black for TickerTape, white for others Refer to "Colors".
crawlrate="pixels per second" Sets the pixels per second that the text moves horizontally. 20 for TickerTape and Marquee, 0 for others None.
duration="" Specifies time that presentation stops. 60 seconds Only seconds ("ss") are required.
extraspaces="use|ignore" Recognizes or ignores extra spaces in text. use ignore value not used with <pre>...</pre>
height="pixels" Sets the window height in pixels. 30 for TickerTape and Marquee, 180 for others SMIL can override window height setting.
link="color" Sets the color of hyperlinks. blue Refer to "Colors".
loop="true|false" Determines whether looping occurs. true for TickerTape and Marquee, false for others Used only for TickerTape and Marquee.
scrollrate="pixels per second" Sets the pixels per second that the text moves vertically. 10 for ScrollingNews, 0 for others No effect on TickerTape or Marquee.
type="window type" Sets the window type. generic Other values are tickertape, marquee, scrollingnews, and teleprompter.
underline_hyperlinks="true|false" Determines whether hyperlinks are underlined. true None.
width="pixels" Determines the window width in pixels. 500 for TickerTape and Marquee, 320 for others SMIL can override window width setting.
wordwrap="true|false" Specifies whether word wrap is performed. true No effect on TickerTape or Marquee.

Appendix B: Summary of Text Tags

Tag Attributes Function Notes
<a href="command" target="_player">...</a> (none) Creates hyperlink that executes a command. Target required.
<a href="mailto:address">...</a> (none) Opens e-mail message. Browser must be configured for e-mail.
<a href="URL" [target="_player"]>...</a> target=
Creates hyperlink to specified URL. URL opens in browser if target not set to player.
<b>...</b> (none) Bolds the enclosed text. Compatible with HTML.
<br/> (none) Adds space between text. In TickerTape and Marquee, moves "cursor" to the window's right edge.
<center>...</center> (none) Centers the enclosed text. Compatible with HTML.
<clear/> (none) Clears all text from the window. Following text is displayed at the window's normal starting point.
<font attribute="value">...</font> bgcolor Sets the background color. See "Colors".
charset Specifies character set used to display text. Default is "us-ascii".
color Controls font color except for TickerTape window. Supports all color values available in HTML. See also <tl> and <tu>.
face Sets the text face. Default is "Times New Roman".
size Sets relative font size. Values are: -2, -1, +0, +1, +2, +3, +4; or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
<hr/> (none) Acts like two <br/> tags. For HTML compatibility.
<i>...</i> (none) Italicizes the enclosed text. Compatible with HTML.
<li>...</li> (none) Acts like a <br/> tag. For HTML compatibility. No numbers or bullets.
<ol>...</ol> (none) Indents text. For HTML compatibility. No numbers, however.
<p>...</p> (none) Adds space between text. In TickerTape and Marquee, moves "cursor" to the window's right edge.
<pos x="pixels"/> (none) Positions text horizontally. Applies only if scrollrate and crawlrate are 0 (zero).
<pos y="pixels"/> (none) Positions text vertically. Applies only if scrollrate and crawlrate are 0 (zero).
<pre>...</pre> (none) Preserves tabs, spaces, and breaks. Uses Courier face.
<required>...</required> (none) Ensures that text is delivered. Presentation will halt if needed until text gets through.
<s>...</s> (none) Strikes through the enclosed text. Compatible with HTML.
<time begin=""/> (none) Sets time when text appears. Only seconds ("ss") are required.
<time end=""/> (none) Sets time when text disappears. Only seconds ("ss") are required.
<tl [color="color"]>...</tl> color Displays text at lower edge in TickerTape. Color affects only the following <tl> elements. See also "Colors".
<tu [color="color"]>...</tu> color Displays text at upper edge in TickerTape. Color affects only the following <tu> elements. See also "Colors".
<u>...</u> (none) Underlines the enclosed text. Compatible with HTML.
<ul>...</ul> (none) Indents text. For HTML compatibility. No bullets, however.